Chiquita commits to preserve biodiversity

Chiquita is continuing its efforts to preserve and enhance biodiversity in ecosystems with banana production.

Since Chiquita stopped forest clearing for agricultural expansion in 2005, the company has partnered with stakeholders and communities to return cleared areas to their normal states, according to a news release.

Production is now limited to areas where land can support long-term conservation. Other areas are being dedicated to conservation, according to the release.

“At Chiquita, we value our commitment to protect the ecosystems in which we produce our bananas,” Jamie Postell, director of sales North America for Chiquita, said in the release.

In 2004, Chiquita, with support of the Rainforest Alliance, founded the Nogal Reserve to promote conservation and reforestation in Costa Rica, according to the release.

In Panama, Chiquita partnered with REWE, a German retail and tourist group, to plant thousands of trees and create a conservation area in the San San Pond Sak wetlands, according to the release. In 2018, Chiquita donated the conservation area to the community and has continued to finance the maintenance, surveillance and protection of the land.


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