
L’assiette québécoise: plus éclatée, plus locale et plus écologique
Bios, équitables, locaux, fonctionnels (« alicaments »), en vrac ou emballés, les aliments multiplient leurs formes pour composer une assiette plus éclatée qu’auparavant. Aujourd’hui, le consommateur se soucie de sa… Lire la suite >>
Food-to-go segment on the move
The food-to-go market is on the rise, and as consumers become more sophisticated in their tastes and demands, the opportunity to cash in on changing food consumption habits is growing along… Lire la suite >>
Les fondateurs de Pomerleau et de Cascades honorés
Les familles fondatrices de la papetière Cascades et de l’entrepreneur général en construction et gestion de projets Pomerleau ont été reconnues mercredi soir à la 5e édition du Gala des… Lire la suite >>
Boissons sucrées alcoolisées: un «Far West» publicitaire qui cible les jeunes
La publicité des boissons sucrées alcoolisées sur les réseaux sociaux est un véritable «Far West», selon l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) qui recommande au gouvernement fédéral de… Lire la suite >>
Maple Leaf Foods gets real
With consumer preferences for less-processed, more natural foods growing more pronounced, Maple Leaf Foods has overhauled its line of bacon, hot dogs, ham, deli meats and sausages to include only… Lire la suite >>
Walmart réalise la plus grosse acquisition mondiale de cybercommerce
Le groupe japonais SoftBank a confirmé mercredi la prise de contrôle du site de vente en ligne indien Flipkart. Lire la suite >>
Restaurant chains now put calorie counts on their menus — and it’s part of a 100-year-old American obsession that started with a California doctor
Starting this week, chain restaurants are required to post calorie counts on their menus as part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. The measure is designed to help people eat… Lire la suite >>
Starbucks is going to see major growth in 3 key areas after its deal with Nestle (SBUX)
Starbucks and Nestle announced a partnership that will boost the Seattle-based coffee company’s international presence and further its China-strategy.  Morgan Stanley expects Starbucks to use the extra cash from the $7.15… Lire la suite >>
It’s Official: Nutrition Facts Panel Delayed 1.5 Years
The FDA tomorrow will make official what it’s been signaling for several months: that the new Nutrition Facts panel will not be required until 2020 or 2021. Lire la suite >>
Lassonde to Purchase Old Orchard Brands
assonde Industries, Inc., a Rougemont, Que., developer and manufacturer of fruit and vegetable juices, has agreed to acquire Old Orchard Brands, LLC, a family-owned juice and beverage company based in… Lire la suite >>
Nestlé pays $7.15bn to sell Starbucks products worldwide
Nestlé will pay $7.15 billion in cash for exclusive rights to sell Starbucks’ line of packaged coffees and teas around the world. Lire la suite >>
IFF acquires its flavours rival Frutarom for $7.1bn
Natural flavours and ingredients producer International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) has agreed a deal to purchase its Israel-based flavours rival Frutarom for $7.1 billion. Lire la suite >>