
Un chèque de 30 000 $ à une boucherie de Magog
Ayant récemment déménagé son siège social de Sherbrooke au parc industriel magogois (voir autre texte), la Boucherie Clément Jacques s’est vu remettre une subvention de 30 000 $ de la… Lire la suite >>
S.O.S. «Cuisines fantômes»
L’auteur, Sylvain Charlebois, est professeur en distribution et politiques agroalimentaires à l’Université Dalhousie et directeur du Laboratoire de recherche en Sciences analytiques agroalimentaires. Lire la suite >>
Why Target’s new private label brand represents a grocery strategy shift
Target is going deeper into the grocery space, with a new in-house brand that focuses more on differentiation, and less on cheap goods. Lire la suite >>
NPD Research: U.S. Consumers Look To Food For Medicinal Value
While it’s commonly understood that good nutrition promotes general health, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of how their food and beverage choices can help them manage and, in some cases,… Lire la suite >>
Non-Dairy Milk Alternatives Are Experiencing A ‘Holy Cow!’ Moment
A decade ago (even more recently in some places), coffee shops had, at most, one non-dairy milk alternative, and it was usually soy. Other alternatives existed, but if you wanted… Lire la suite >>
3 ways to capture Gen Z’s attention with the right sponsorship choices
When determining which sponsorships are right for your brand, it’s important to choose wisely. Making the wrong selections can put your brand image at risk, damaging its reputation and resulting… Lire la suite >>
Coca-Cola Cinnamon and Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry Will Arrive This Fall
The two holiday flavors will stick around until the end of the year — or while supplies last. Lire la suite >>
Le pois jaune, nouveau chouchou de l’industrie du vegan
La protéine extraite de cette légumineuse entre dans la fabrication des fausses viandes, du lait végétal ou des compléments pour sportifs. La pénurie guette. Lire la suite >>
La Mauricie se lance le Défi 100 % local
Le Meilleur de l’industrie agroalimentaire de la Mauricie (MIAM) invite la population de la région à s’inscrire afin de relever le Défi 100 % local, une démarche provinciale portée par… Lire la suite >>
Could carbon labelling help cure today’s toxic plant-based vs meat debate?
Could carbon labelling hold the key in helping consumers make the right environmentally-friendly food choices in today’s polarising plant-based vs. animal-based climate? Lire la suite >>
Food industry must cut salt from meat alternatives, urges campaigner
Savoury picnic foods, including vegetarian and vegan products, conceal ‘dangerous levels of salt’, according to Action on Salt. Lire la suite >>
‘NutriScore is a consumer trap’: Industry group calls for front-of-pack calorie logo
The German Sugar Industry Association has dismissed front-of-pack rating systems based on algorithms, arguing that NutriScore and traffic light labels mislead consumers. Lire la suite >>